2018 ICEAS
2018 ICEAS
The 8th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences
July 17-19, 2018 South Korea

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Anthony Johnson
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, MSDE Programme

Trash:A Burgeoning Problem
Pollution of the environment has been a growing occurrence since humans manufactured objects and cast the waste aside causing pollution. Pollution takes many forms, one such being the waste from everyday human existence. In the modern consumer society, we humans are conditioned to buy, use and discard products, often with little thought as to the destination of the trash thus created.
As the population of the Earth increases there is constant demand for more and more products leading to increased material extraction and greater energy use in providing and running those products. This eventually leads to increased volumes of trash as products come to the end of their life. The sustainable discarding of end-of-life products is often not considered by the consumer who will regularly dump the trash and assume it will be dealt with by appropriate authorities, which, sadly is often not the case.
Current research reveals that though some countries are very good at dealing with their trash, other countries have a long way to go for efficient trash recovery.
This paper investigates the nature of trash and where it originates. Also investigated is the global impact of trash and possible methods of trash reduction which involves not only education and changes to human behaviour but also physical improvements in dealing with end of life products and their conversion into useable materials
Keywords: Trash, Garbage, Rubbish, Recycling, Sustainability, Environment
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